Saturday 17 December 2011

Christmas Creations

Has been a long while since I posted, but have been incredibly busy with Christmas coming round the corner. Here are some of the Christmas creations I have been busy with.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Favourite so far

Just finished my latest commission and am really pleased with it. I think it may well be my favourite so far!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Pants bags

Spent the last few days finishing up and getting ready for the market on 20th November. The last few things finished are some pants bags! I hasten to add these are bags for carrying pants, not bags which are rubbish!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Christmas Cushions

Despite being really tired from being back at work I've managed to have a productive couple of evenings and have made 2 Christmas cushions.

Sunday 30 October 2011

More brooches! (and Christmas bunting)

I definitely have fallen in love with making brooches. They're quick to do and I think they look really cute, hence having made 2 more!

Oh..... and some Christmas bunting!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Another productive day!

More things finished and ready for the Southsea Boutique market today! I'm tempted to make some more brooches though, as I love them so much!

Tuesday 25 October 2011


A new creation that I'm really pleased with - a patchwork brooch. In fact I liked it so much I made 5!

Monday 24 October 2011

Christmas decorations

Early I know, but in preparation for the market next month I have spent this morning making Christmas decorations. Here's the creations to date!

Sunday 23 October 2011

A week off = time for sewing!

I have a week off work, so shall be spending the next 7 days sewing like a mad thing to get things ready for the Southsea Boutique Market on Sunday 20th November!
Pictures to follow.

Thursday 20 October 2011


I've been making smaller soft furnishings for a while now, but I recently made my first pair of curtains for someone that wasn't me! I was really pleased with them, and here they are!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Intentions out of the window!

I should stop making promises to myself as I never seem to meet them! I had the best of intentions to update the blog more regularly - especially as I've only just started doing it! But already I seem to have left it more than a month!
To be fair to myself I have been incredibly busy.
I've been making lots of lovely things for Christmas presents and the orders just seem to keep coming in!
So.... I still have the best of intentions of updating more regularly, but don't hold you breath!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Busy but happy times!

Been so busy recently so only just updating the blog now! So pleased that I'm getting lots of orders in time for Christmas, long may it continue!

Friday 23 September 2011

Creations so far....

Welcome to my blog

Having set up a facebook page, I decided it would probably be easier for me to keep everything updated through a blog, hence here we are!

I shall upload all the photos I have of the creations I've made so far and make a promise to keep you all updated!